If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, you know that productivity is everything. You want to get as much done in the shortest amount of time possible. You don’t want to waste a moment or lose focus on what matters most—and you don’t have time for anything else. Fortunately, there are some key steps that anyone can take toward maximizing his or her impact when working as a solopreneur or part of a small team.

Be Ruthless With Your To-Do List

You’re not the only one who has a to-do list. You might even be one of many people with a to-do list, or perhaps you have several different lists for different aspects of your life and business.

Besides the tasks on your physical or digital schedule, your inbox is likely full of emails, phone calls, and meetings that need preparation. It’s normal for entrepreneurs juggling numerous projects to feel overwhelmed, but it’s possible to streamline this process so that as much time as possible is spent on high-value activities that move projects forward instead of drowning in minutia.

Prioritize Work That Makes The Biggest Impact First

To make your work easier, you should do the most important things first. Walter Morales says that this can be hard because it requires you to stop what you’re doing and look at all of your chores as a whole. The best way to do this is to set aside time each week to sit down with a pen and paper or open a spreadsheet program on your computer and figure out what needs to be done next week or month based on how important it is compared to other things on the list.

Get Rid Of The Tasks That Make You Waste Time

There are a few things that can help you identify tasks that make you waste time. First, ask yourself if the task is important or urgent. If it’s not both, then it’s probably not worth doing right now and should be moved down your list of priorities. You’ll also want to make sure that your time isn’t being wasted on things like responding to emails or other messages from colleagues or clients–these tasks often don’t require any real input from you and should be delegated if possible. Click here Walter Morales to get more information about Grant For Future Educators.